Shorts Competition: Block III

dir. Steven Fraser (“Prosopagnosia”); Elena Molina, Raquel Calvo ("YUNGAY 7020"); Andreas Riiser, Sunniva Sundby ("Greetings from Myanmar"); Samir Karahoda (“Displaced”); Jakub Gomółka (“Father.Son”) / 2020 – "Pozdrowienia z Mjanmy" ("Greetings from Myanmar"); 2021 – "Prozopagnozja" (“Prosopagnosia”); "YUNGAY 7020" ("YUNGAY 7020"); “Bez miejsca” (“Displaced”); 2022 – "ojciec.syn" (“Father.Son”) / UK (“Prosopagnosia”); Spain, Peru ("YUNGAY 7020"); Myanmar, Norway ("Greetings from Myanmar"); Kosovo (“Displaced”); Poland (“Father.Son”) / 69min.
For the first time at the festival we present the Shorts Competition - a selection of documentaries from all around the worls, each matter, they constitute an ideal starting point from which to explore the issues addressed in the feature-length films presented on the festival.

dir. Steven Fraser / 2021 / UK / 10min.
cinematography: Steven Fraser
producer: Reece Cargan / Bombito Productions
selected festivals and awards: 2021 – Edynburg IFF, 2021 – Scottish Queer IFF, 2021 – IDFA Amsterdam, 2022 – British Shorts FF

“Prosopagnosia” is a story of identity that uses expressive animation to investigate intimacy, communication and memory.
Prosopagnosia is face-blindness and as a means of understanding this neurodiverse behaviour, the contents of a memory box are being explored. Sketchbooks, photographs and diaries are intricately unraveled to tell a unique and personal story.


"YUNGAY 7020"
dir. Elena Molina, Raquel Calvo / 2021 / Spain, Peru / 19min.
cinematography: Elena Molina
producer: Raquel Calvo / Raquel Calvo Larralde
selected festivals and awards: 2021 – International Festival of Documentary and Short Film of Bilbao

In 1970 an avalanche erased the colonial town of Yungay (Perú). A bunch of survivors rebuilt it just a kilometer away. Huascarán, the once sacred and now feared mountain, speaks for itself. Those who remember know they should pay attention.


"Greetings from Myanmar"
dir. Andreas Riiser, Sunniva Sundby / 2020 / Myanmar, Norway / 5 min.
cinematography: Andreas Riiser, Sunniva Sundby
producer: Andreas Riiser / Bacon
selected festivals and awards: 2020 – Ji.hlava International Documentary Film Festival, 2020 – DOC NYC

Tourists enjoy a peaceful holiday in Myanmar's five-star hotel resorts, while ten kilometers away members of the Rohingya ethnic group are being tortured and killed.
Umbrella drinks and genocide. Unsuspecting tourists enjoy a peaceful holiday in Myanmar's five-star hotel resorts, lazily walking between swimming pools and sun umbrellas, while ten kilometers away, members of the Rohingya ethnic group are being tortured and killed as a result of the largest genocide in Asia since the Vietnam War.


dir. Samir Karahoda / 2021 / Kosovo / 15min.
Cinematography: Samir Karahoda
producer: Eroll Bilibani / SK Pictures
selected festivals and awards: 2021 – European Film Awards: best short film nominee; 2022 – Sundance FF

In post-war Kosovo two ping pong players wander from one obscure location to another carrying with them the only possession of the club: their tables.
A story of a post-war Kosovo ping pong club, the “Lidhja e Prizrenit” (League of Prizren). These youngsters and their coaches practice in difficult conditions even though some of them represent Kosovo in international competitions and have won medals in various European championships. Despite their success, the 'Ping Pong Federation' is still ignored by the local and central authorities.
”Displaced” is a tribute to all the athletes who, with enthusiasm and a quiet perseverance, manage to overcome the problem of lack of space, and represent their country by contributing more to the state than the state contributes to them. Their situation allows the filmmakers to express concerns such as migration, alienation and a general sense of hopelessness that pervade the lives of Kosovar society. The film takes the form of docu-fiction with actual events recreated by real characters combined with footage from the present. It was the only short documentary in Cannes 2001 official selection. 


dir. Jakub Gomolka / 2022 / Poland / 18min.
Cinematography: Nikodem Marek
producer: Agata Golańska / Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Filmowa, TV i Teatralna im. L. Schillera w Łodzi
selected festivals and awards: 2022 – Millennium Docs Against Gravity FF: world premiere

After leaving prison, Mariusz and his son attempt to adapt to reality, interweaving the habits inherited from jail with the struggle of everyday life
After leaving prison, Mariusz and his son attempt to adapt to reality, interweaving the habits inherited from jail with the struggle of everyday life. Contrary to popular opinion, their relationship is filled with self-reflection and love.
The protagonists' sensitivity contrasts with the heartless reality that leaves a scar on former prisoners, thus excluding them from being valuable members of the society.

69 min
country / year of production:
UK (“Prosopagnosia”); Spain, Peru ("YUNGAY 7020"); Myanmar, Norway ("Greetings from Myanmar"); Kosovo (“Displaced”); Poland (“Father.Son”) / 2020 – "Pozdrowienia z Mjanmy" ("Greetings from Myanmar"); 2021 – "Prozopagnozja" (“Prosopagnosia”); "YUNGAY 7020" ("YUNGAY 7020"); “Bez miejsca” (“Displaced”); 2022 – "ojciec.syn" (“Father.Son”)
Steven Fraser (“Prosopagnosia”); Elena Molina, Raquel Calvo ("YUNGAY 7020"); Andreas Riiser, Sunniva Sundby ("Greetings from Myanmar"); Samir Karahoda (“Displaced”); Jakub Gomółka (“Father.Son”)
Steven Fraser (“Prosopagnosia”); Elena Molina ("YUNGAY 7020"); Andreas Riiser, Sunniva Sundby ("Greetings from Myanmar"); Samir Karahoda (“Displaced”); Nikodem Marek (“Father.Son”)
Reece Cargan / Bombito Productions (“Prosopagnosia”); Raquel Calvo / Raquel Calvo Larralde ("YUNGAY 7020"); Andreas Riiser / Bacon ("Greetings from Myanmar"); Eroll Bilibani / SK Pictures (“Displaced”); Agata Golańska / Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Filmowa, TV i Teatralna im. L. Schillera w Łodzi(“Father.Son”)
selected festivals and awards:
2021 – Edynburg IFF, 2021 – Scottish Queer IFF, 2021 – IDFA Amsterdam, 2022 – British Shorts FF (“Prosopagnosia”); 2021 – International Festival of Documentary and Short Film of Bilbao ("YUNGAY 7020"); 2020 – Ji.hlava International Documentary Film Festival, 2020 – DOC NYC ("Greetings from Myanmar"); 2021 – Cannes FF; 2021 – European Film Awards: best short film nominee; 2022 – Sundance FF (“Displaced”); 2022 – Millennium Docs Against Gravity FF: world premiere (“Father.Son”)
Short films
Best Short Film Award
politics Polish films psychology ecology human rights sport cities travels relations animation awarded1 Latin America Far East

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